Opening hours

  • Monday: closed
  • Tuesday, Friday: 8:00 - 18:00
  • Wednesday -
    Thursday: 12:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday: 8:00 - 12:00
76 / 461 - 429

Reader state


Europe Direct Informational Sub-system


Sándor Petőfi City Library operates as an information sub-system serving at Europe Direct Informational Spot in Bács-Kiskun County run by József Katona Library in Kecskemét. József Katona Library regularly provides our separated catalogue with EU documents and free publications.

Our services:

  • collection of EU documents covering every professions:
    • history and member-states of the EU
    • institutional system of the EU
    • economics, finances
    • agricultural politics
    • monetary politics of the EU and the Euro
    • culture and education
    • social politics
    • environmental protection
    • regional politics
    • statistics
    • fine literature
    • tourism, travel books
    • etc.
  • various types of documents: wide selection of books, CDs, VHS, journals
  • delivery of informational brochures and leaflets for individuals

Do not hesitate to contact our EU department
within the opening hours of the library.