Opening hours

  • Monday: closed
  • Tuesday, Friday: 8:00 - 18:00
  • Wednesday -
    Thursday: 12:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday: 8:00 - 12:00
76 / 461 - 429

Reader state


Registration / Borrowing / Pre-order


Only our registered readers may borrow documents of the library.

  • A personal ID and a proof of address is necessary for the registration.
  • Future readers without own incomes (eg. students with personal ID) will need a declaration from a guarantor.
  • Future readers from abroad will need a passport or driving licence.
  • At the registration we ask for our future readers’ basic personal data in order to keep in touch with them and – in case of any owing – to start a process of execution toward them.
  • The library does not allow anyone see your personal data and takes good care of privacy.
  • Please always bring your library ticket with you and hand it in at the borrowings’ desk.

Registration fee is for one year.

Borrowings’ registration fees:

Registration fee
(for adults)

12 months

1000 HUF

Registration fee
(for adults)

6 months

500 HUF

Registration fee
(reduced rate*)

12 months

500 HUF

Registration fee
(reduced rate*)

6 months

250 HUF

under the age of 16



for workers of the library, museums,
archives and cultural educational



for the unemployed



for the disabled



above the age of 70



reduced rates are valid for*:

  • students above the age of 16 with a valid students’ card
  • educators
  • pensioners, disabled pensioners under the age of 70
  • women on maternity leave, housewives and others without incomes

Use of Internet fees

Registration fee

12 months

1000 HUF

Registration fee

6 months

500 HUF

Occasional use

30 minutes

200 HUF


Each reader may borrow at most 10 documents registered in our integral library system textLib 3 of which may be audios and 7 may be books (5 in case of listed books).


  • Each reader my borrow at most 10 books at a time for 30 days (at most 5 from the children’s library).

Restrictedly borrowable documents:

  • Each reader may borrow at most 5 listed books for 7 days (at most 3 from the children’s library for 7 days).
  • Each reader may borrow at most 3 bestsellers for 14 days.

Audiovisual documents:

  • Each reader may borrow at most 3 audiovisual documents for 3 days. Audio books are exceptions as they may be borrowed for 14 days.

Newpapers, journals:

  • Each reader may borrow at most 5 journals for 7 days. Newest issues of periodicals ordered by the library cannot be borrowed.

Documents of the Local History Collection cannot be borrowed except for those having several copies.

The borrowing deadline of books and journals can be renewed 3 times and one time in case of bestsellers and audiovisual documents in case there are no pre-orders for them.

Should you still need the borrowed documents after the allowed renewals you must bring them back to the library and then you may borrow them again.


Forms of pre-order:

  • Our registered readers may pre-order documents in our library’s possession not available at the time. Pre-orders are valid for 5 days.
  • We let you know by mail, phone or e-mail when the pre-ordered document is available.
Sending with mail()
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Email sent successfully